Regenerative Tourism and Climate Change

Regenerative Tourism and Climate Change

Abstract: Climate Change Commitments and Challenges to Achieve Regenerative Tourism: A Case of Aotearoa New Zealand Abstract: Climate Change Commitments and Challenges to Achieve Regenerative Tourism: A Case of Aotearoa New Zealand New Zealand heavily relies on...
Regenerative Tourism Framework

Regenerative Tourism Framework

Abstract: Human Relationship with Nature, Indigenous Ways of Living and Regenerative Tourism FrameworkRecommended CitationDownload Abstract: Human Relationship with Nature, Indigenous Ways of Living and Regenerative Tourism Framework Regenerative Tourism Framework and...
The Blue Zones and the planet wellbeing

The Blue Zones and the planet wellbeing

Abstract: The Blue Zones and the planet wellbeingRecommended CitationDownload Abstract: The Blue Zones and the planet wellbeing This research notes analyses the Blue Zones and its role in future sustainability. Blue Zones are areas of the world where people live...